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Meeting the Needs of Employers through Certification Training

Center-of-Workforce-InnovationsOne credential considered to be in high demand by Northwest Indiana employers is Certified Production Technician (CPT) and is viewed as valuable in jobs such as Utility Technician, Production Technician, Lab Technician, and Machinist. In response to meeting employer workforce needs, the Northwest Indiana Workforce Board ensured that opportunities for CPT training were being made available through the regional WorkOne system.

The LaPorte County WorkOne sponsored 12 individuals in the Certified Production technician program offsetting all of their costs. All 12 individuals graduated in June and four have already secured positions with area manufacturers at starting salaries ranging from $14 to $19 per hour with benefits. Remaining graduates continue to work closely with their WorkOne Career Advisor on their job searches. “They are building resumes and taking advantage of free workshops to prepare them for successful job interviews,” stated Nicholas Elliott, WorkOne Regional Manager.

By obtaining the CPT Certification, an individual has demonstrated mastery of the core competencies of manufacturing production at the front-line (entry-level through front-line supervisor) through successful completion of the certification assessments. The goal of the certification training is to raise the level of performance of production workers both to assist the individuals in finding higher-wage jobs and to help employers ensure their workforce increases the company’s productivity and competitiveness.

WorkOne partnered with the Greater LaPorte Economic Development Corporation (GLEDC) and Ivy Tech Community College to offer the training at the Thomas Rose Industrial Park.

For information on how you might qualify for a future no-cost CPT training, contact a local WorkOne office. There are nine WorkOne offices throughout Northwest Indiana. For a location near you, visit www.gotoworkonenw.com or call 1-877-607-0680 for information.