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Memories Honored at Boston Middle School’s Eighth Grade Awards Night

The Boston Middle School Auditorium was abuzz on Monday, Feb. 25, as proud families gathered to celebrate their eighth grade students’ accomplishments. The theme of Boston Middle School’s 2013 Eighth Grade Awards Night was “Tonight’s Going To be a Good Night,” and it certainly was.

“Tonight is to celebrate the success of our students,” Boston Principal Deborah Carter said. “We have students that have achieved five semesters of straight A’s and perfect attendance. I am extremely proud.”

There was much to be proud of as 18 students accepted awards for five semesters of straight A’s and will receive either a commemorative ring or sweat shirt. Thirty-four students were honored for earning all A’s and B’s for five semesters. Lastly, four dedicated students were honored for five semesters of perfect attendance. A recipient of this award, Caroline Francis, has had perfect attendance since second grade.

Before the students were honored for their academic feats Rowena Quinn, Ryan Dessart, Luke Vasilarakos and Sarah Zygmuntowski performed a jazzy, musical quartet.

La Porte School Corporation’s Assistant Superintendent Linda Wiltfong took the stage to lend a word of advice to the students. She urged the students to identify what helped them find success and mentioned certain “apps,” or traits, needed for their futures. Grit, goals, self-confidence, humility and persistence are the attributes Wiltfong acknowledged.

She closed her speech with a valuable word.

“This is what I’d wish I’d known when I was you,” she said. “There are many more people willing to help you than you think. Look for these people, and they will be grateful to help you.”

Wiltfong was not the only guest speaker of the night that made an impact. Student-elected Brandon Bellen boldly stepped up to the podium and delivered a speech full of eloquence, wisdom and humor.

“We should always put our expectations for ourselves high,” Bellen said. “Stay positive and look on the bright side, and we can achieve anything. It’s up to us to rise out of the gutter and make a bright future for ourselves.”

The ceremony was ended with a tear-jerker. A PowerPoint presentation was played with now-and-then photos of the students set to music. The attendees laughed and reminisced as the photos flashed on the screen, a visual reminder of how far the students have come.

Following the ceremony, everyone gathered in the cafeteria for refreshments, photos and congratulations. Guests also browsed the posters of student photos hung them throughout the cafeteria.

“I know we all have worked so hard to be here. It is very nice of the school to do this for us. It turned out to be such a fun night,” student Haley Housman said.