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Michigan City High School Wolves Wire, May 2014

MC Wolves logoThe old saying is that April showers bring May flowers. In the case of 2014, we need to change the showers into snow. Even though we have experienced one of the most unpredictable weather seasons in generations, I can say with out a doubt that the students of Michigan City High School are on track to finish with the highest graduation rate ever recorded, the highest attendance rate, the most dual credits earned, and the highest grade that we have ever earned since school accountability was established by the federal government and state in 2001-2002.

In order to reach our vision, Excellence for Everyone, and make this one of the best years we have ever experienced, we need everyone to remain committed the next four weeks. As I have mentioned during the weekly phone messages, May starts our busiest month of the year, mainly testing (End of Course Assessment, Advanced Placement exams, final exams). With so much critical information being presented during lessons and with a limited amount of time left before testing takes place, it is vital that your student be present. One of the main reasons we are on pace to have one of our best years is due to our attendance rate being higher than what we have averaged in years.

As we turn our focus towards the last student day, Friday June 6, and the graduation ceremony, Sunday June 8, we need your support in keeping our students engaged in their learning. With warmer weather and the numerous events that take place in May (Prom), senioritis and now the new phenomena, junioritis, please speak with your student about finishing the year strong. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, like us on Facebook, or call to remain informed of the great things taking place at Michigan City High School.

Counselors’ Corner
As the school year draws to a close it is important that our students continue to push through with their studies until the end of the school year. It is also important they get enough rest at night as the next 5 weeks will be filled with ECA testing, AP testing, finals and other end of the year activities. Now is not the time to fall behind.

Graduation is on June 8th...has your Senior done everything they need to do to graduate? Contact your student's Guidance Counselor with any questions or concerns.

Summer School Registration is under way! Sign up information is available in the Guidance Office and is due by May 23rd. Summer school is free and transportation is available. If your child has failed one or more of the core classes needed for graduation, summer school is a great way to help them get back on track. Summer School runs from June 23-July 24 (Monday-Thursday).

Session I will go from 7:30a.m. to 11:30a.m. Session II is noon until 4:00p.m. P.E. will be daily 7:30-4:00 and students may sign up for the first 10 days (June 23rd-July 8th, Mon-Thurs), or the second 10 days (July 9-July 24th, Mon-Thurs) or for all 20 days (June 23rd-July 24th, Mon-Thurs).

Information regarding Drivers Education will be available late in May, please make sure your student is listening to announcements for further information if they are interested in taking Drivers Ed. this summer.

Freshman 21st Century Scholars, please remember that you must participate in an extracurricular or service activity during your 9th grade year. After participating in your selected activity(ies), log in to your ScholarTrack account at Scholars.IN.gov/scholartrack to answer a few questions that confirm you’ve completed this requirement. Indiana Career Explorer: Indiana Career Explorer is an easy online tool available to all Hoosiers to explore their career interests and skills. You can identify occupations, establish educational strategies and ultimately connect to employers through IndianaCAREERconnect. com.

Whether you're an adult looking for a new career or a student trying to figure out career and college options, this powerful online tool provides all the career and educational resources you will need to make it happen for you. It is important for our students to log on to this site regularly throughout their high school years as it is a great tool for students to keep track of their 4 year graduation plan as well as to research information on careers that interest them.

Click here to read the full issue of the Wolves Wire