Home»Other»Michigan City to Host Midtown Resident Focus Group

Michigan City to Host Midtown Resident Focus Group

michigan-city-sealThe City of Michigan City is working with residents and stakeholders (including business owners, non-profits, places of worship, elected and appointed officials, and political candidates) to develop a neighborhood plan for the Midtown neighborhood of Michigan City. The first step of the process is to organize and engage residents and stakeholders in conversation about the neighborhood. The first listening session will be a focus group meeting open to the public on Wednesday, October 14 at 7:00 PM at City Hall (100 E. Michigan Boulevard) in the Emergency Operations Center room (lower level). The focus group meeting will be an opportunity to meet new people from the neighborhood and greet neighbors as well as learn about the Midtown planning process, participate in group discussion about the neighborhood, and provide individual input on issues of importance for the neighborhood. The meeting will last approximately 90 minutes. In future sessions there will be a report of findings and visioning process, and opportunities for participating in the working groups that develop the goals and action plans for accomplishing the shared vision.

This process is a departure from the traditional approach to neighborhood plans in that residents and stakeholders (formal and informal leaders) will be engaged in every stage of plan development and the plan will include a strategic action plan to guide implementation by residents, businesses, non-profits, and the city.

Michigan City has contracted with the Indiana Association for Community Economic Development (IACED) to guide the neighborhood planning process using a comprehensive community development model. Rose Scovel, AICP is the Director of Capacity Building for IACED and will lead the process.