The Michigan City Police Department has just completed our participation in the Operation Pull Over (OPO) traffic enforcement grant Blitz 86, May 5th thru May 30th, covering the Memorial Day weekend.
During OPO Blitz 86 we had 5 extra enforcement patrols working 10hrs of overtime. The overtime is paid from a Grant issued from the Indiana Governors Council. Officers stopped 26 vehicles.
One arrest was made on a warrant for Probation Violation (L-6 felony DV battery). Officers wrote 26 citations; 20 for Seat Belt violation, 1 Suspended Driver infraction, 1 License violations (no License when required) and 4 speeding violations. Officers also wrote 6 warning tickets; 1 for No Registration when required, 1 Automatic signal/stop sign violation, 1 Failure to Yield and 2 warnings for speed. Officers also assisted with several calls for service.
Buckle up and to decrease your speeds to watch for children and pedestrians.
Officers of the Michigan City Police Department will continue working other traffic safety grants, including the Countywide DUI Task Force grant to improve the Quality of Life to the citizens of Michigan City.