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Michigan City Police Cuts Ribbon on New Facility

Michigan City Police Cuts Ribbon on New Facility

A win for the Michigan City Police Department is a win for the entire town. It took years to see plans for a new building come to fruition but on July 28th, the law enforcement community gathered to cut a ribbon over two decades old.

Police Chief Mark Swistek’s history with the chosen plot of land goes back to his childhood. He used to play baseball and shoot fireworks in the field in front of his house. His mother said she knew, upon looking, that someone someday would build a great building on that hill.

That someone was her son, with the help of several other city officials.

“We had a lot of hurdles,” said Mayor Ron Meer, “There were many people who told me this would never happen. This building is a product of determination and hardwork on many fronts.”

MCPD-2The new Police Department is only the most recent in a long line of safety improvements made to Michigan City. The interchange was renovated, new streetlights were added to certain roads, and the two way street was converted.

The President of the Michigan City Redevelopment Commission, Don Babcock, said, “The future of Michigan City is going to be brighter than the past. Today is a good example of that. We are making a bold statement about our police department.”

American Structurepoint, with the assistance of Chief Swistek and other officers, truly designed the Police Department as an inviting place for the entire community. It has a park, basketball courts, and two police themed playgrounds for children. It offers sustainability: 144 solar panels generate power. It was designed to be compact to spare the lives of local trees and shrubbery. The landscaping features plants with low water maintenance. The toilets inside the facility have a dual flush system that conserves water.

It took over 30,000 man hours to complete the project in thirteen months. That meant jobs for 14 local men, every day.

A little over a year of building, four years of planning, 15 years of trying with other administration teams, and 23 years of hope have finally paid off. Chief Swistek is the third Chief to attempt to cross that red tape. When he took his title he also took on this mission.

“I swore,” said Chief Swistek, “I was going to carry that torch, carry on this fight.”

The MCPD has been partnered with the Drug Enforcement Agency for a long time. In the years that Swistek has been climbing the ranks within his department, so too has Dennis Wisher in the DEA. They have grown together, and been there for each other, just as the DEA and the MCPD have always stood as one in this town.

MCPD-3Dennis Wisher said, “This department is one of the finest, if not the best in this great state of Indiana. You guys are very lucky to have a man of this character and stature working for you.”

For Chief Swistek and his men it is simple: “The mission for every member of this agency is to consistently seek and find ways to affirmatively promote, preserve, and deliver a feeling of security, safety, and quality services to members of our community.” The new Police Department does all that while coming under budget and over our expectations.