Home»Other»Michigan City Police Department Announces Graduation of Three New Officers

Michigan City Police Department Announces Graduation of Three New Officers

MCPD-New-Officers-2016The Michigan City Police Department is proud to announce the graduation from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy of their 3 newest officers. Officers Nick Baker, Nicholas Charo, and Louis Gallegos were hired on November 16th, 2015.

They began their training on March 14th, at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and graduated on June 24th, 2016. While at the academy they received intensive training in various areas including firearms, defensive tactics, emergency vehicle operation, and criminal law. Prior to beginning the academy the three had one month of a local academy and completed 2 months of a 4-month field-training program. The 3 will complete their field-training program over the next 2 months ending with an evaluation phase where once completed will then be released on their own.

Nick Baker is the son of Teri and David Baker, and is currently in the Air National Guard stationed out of Ft. Wayne. Nick is following in his father, David Baker, and uncle’s, (Tim Baker) footsteps with the Michigan City Police Department. Nick is unmarried and has no children.

Nicholas Charo is the son of Rose and David Charo, and from Westville, Indiana. Nicholas is currently enrolled at Purdue North Central pursuing a degree in sociology. Nicholas is unmarried and has no children.

Louis Gallegos is the son of Olivia and Luis Gallegos. Louis came from the Porter County Sheriff’s Department where he spent 7 years working in the Jail Division. Louis is currently in the Army National Guard as a 12 year veteran. Louis has one brother that is also in law enforcement in Lake County. Louis is unmarried, and the father of an 11 year old son.