At 9 am on Mother's Day most families are spending the morning with their loved ones or starting their days, but on Sunday morning some women and their families were running a 5k. For the second year in a row, Taltree Arboretum and Gardens hosted families who took up the challenge to take part in their Mother’s Day 5k, which lead them through Taltree’s scenic Bluebird Trail.
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Over 100 people came out to the run/walk despite the cold and foggy weather. The race gathered not only mothers to run the course, but their friends, families and children as well. Though the run was timed and there were awards at the end, the main focus of the race was letting families spend some vital time together. From the start to the end of the race, it was clear that the Mother’s Day 5k was more than a run - it was a great and appropriate way to spend the morning.
Alicia Fowler, who traveled from Griffith with her family to run in the 5k, said that the race was a great way to get out and spend the morning doing something a little different.
“I saw an advertisement for this run and I thought it was a great idea, so I made my way out here to be part of this.” Fowler stated. “It’s a good way to celebrate today, and it’s helping me be healthier so that I can spend many more Mother’s Days doing this. The trail was a little rough and muddy but it was fun. I’m really looking forward to coming back next year.”
Though Fowler and some others ran the race without their families, many others had their loved ones running right by their sides. Lisa Knestrict and her daughter, Riley, who both placed first in their division with Riley winning the top overall female award, came out to the 5k because it was Lisa’s Mother’s Day present from her daughter. “We’ve actually ran three or four other Mother’s Day races together in the past, so it’s now become a bit of a tradition.” Lisa Knestrict stated. “Our whole family runs these races together and it’s a great bonding time, but today’s a little more special because it’s Mother’s Day and I’m here with Riley. TalTree is gorgeous location and the run was great.”
As the runners crossed the finish line with whoops, hollers, and hugs, the people of Taltree were happily observing it all. Amanda Hedges, Marketing and Public Relations Manager for Taltree, said that the 5k is something they’re proud of hosting and being a part of.
“We just wanted to have something that commemorates Mother’s Day and gives families the opportunity to spend some time together.” Hedges stated. “We love that this takes place in the morning so it doesn’t interfere with some other plans that they might have. It’s a really great family event, and it’s great to host this for people to see our trails while letting them be here together.”
In the end the weather for the race might have been cold and dreary, but the people at the Mother’s Day 5k were bright and happy despite it all. Next year TalTree will continue to host their Mother’s Day 5k, and families will continue to come out and spend a great morning with the people they love the most.