The City of La Porte Park and Recreation Department would like to announce a new summer movie event called Moonlit Movies in the Park!
The first of the series will be held on Friday, June 4, at approximately 8:15 p.m. in Fox Park at the newly renovated Dennis F. Smith Amphitheater. This movie is made possible by the generous donations by our sponsors: New Age Telecom, Inc. and Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Coulter Tran Agency. Free popcorn will be served by Centier Bank. Food will be available for purchase from Digzy Dogz & Grill LLC.
Mark your calendar for the remaining Moonlit Movies in the Park series: Friday, July 23, in Kesling Park at the #4 shelter area and Friday, August 6, in Fox Park at the Dennis F. Smith Amphitheater.
Movie titles will be released on our Facebook page and Instagram! Follow us!