Myers First Grade Classes Visit the Apple Orchard

2014-Myers-1st-Grade-Apple-OrchardOn Thursday, September 11, 2014, the first grade classes from George L. Myers Elementary School in Portage took their annual field trip to County Line Apple Orchard. The children learned about the growth of apples, pollination, and the day to day operations of an orchard. Students used their senses to explore science concepts and had hands-on “being there” experiences to enrich their units of study. Their favorite sense was that of tasting.

In addition to this, the first graders have been focusing on an apple-themed unit of study and exploration this week. Both non-fiction and fiction literature proved to be enjoyable! Science, math, and other language arts standards were woven into the curriculum with an apple “twist.” Cooking applesauce and making baked cinnamon apple slices was a culinary treat for these first graders.

Eating the freshly picked apples was a big hit with all! Logan Terkovitz summed it all up when he excitedly shouted, “Apples picked from the tree are so good! I’m going to be eating apples all night!”

Miss Kate Brenda, Mrs. Alesia Campbell, and Mrs. Diane Zuick, the three first grade teachers at Myers School, have already made a reservation for next year’s trip to the apple orchard. The apple orchard is an exciting “outdoor classroom!”