Porter County Aging and Community Services has been granted $9,000 in tax credits as part of the Neighborhood Assistance Program. Beginning July 1, individuals seeking to assist PCACS further its mission can donate funds and receive a state tax break. PCACS Executive Director Bruce Lindner said the tax credits are essentially a way for participants to double their donations to the agency since the state gives them 50 percent back.
“If you donate more than $100, you will receive half that money back on your state taxes,” he said.
The agency is looking to use the donations to cut its fuel bill as transportation costs continue to soar. Last year, PCACS provided 26,000 rides to area seniors and disabled residents.
Lindner said the agency faces ever-increasing demands for its transportation services and the recent higher gas prices put a dent in the fuel budget.
“We understand how important our buses are to the community and we encourage those willing to donate to help us maintain this essential service,” he said.
For more information or to obtain the required form, contact Lindner at 465-7144 or download a form at www.portercountyacs.org.
According to the state, NAP offers $2.5 million in tax credits annually for distribution by non-profits.
PCACS’ mission is to extend a helping hand to seniors, those who are disabled and low-income residents by providing services to improve their quality of life, including transportation, nutrition programs, energy assistance and activity centers.
For more information, visit www.portercountyacs.org.