New Playground Equipment at Haven Hollow Park!

Haven-Hollow-Park-1Come join the Portage Township Department of Parks and Recreation as they celebrate the installation of new playground equipment at Haven Hollow Park with a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony this Saturday, October 22nd at Noon.

Working between raindrops, volunteers, trustee employees and a crew from HP Construction have installed a little tikes fire engine playground for youth ages 2-5 years, and, a second little tikes adventure playground for youth 5-12 years old.

Many thanks to volunteers from Ironworkers Local 395 apprentices and South Haven Fire Department volunteers for their help with this project.

On Friday, two truck loads of fibar-fall surfacing will be delivered to be spread underneath the play equipment. Community volunteers are invited to help the Township spread the surfacing on Saturday from 10am-noon. Call 762-1623 for more information or email the Township Office at

