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Nominate a Rising Star Today

Nominate a Rising Star Today

Nominate a Rising Star by November 1!

The Rising Star Recognition program celebrates the abundance of responsible, intelligent and hardworking youth that contribute to the success of Valparaiso every day. Volunteer work inside and outside of the classroom are valuable to this program, as well as empathy, charity and leadership. Nominations are open to the public, only excluding self-nominations. 

The Rising Star Recognition program has been established by the Valparaiso Mayor’s Youth Council.  The program was created by youth to recognize outstanding youth leadership and involvement. Representatives from the Mayor's Youth Council will select a recipient. 

Nominees must be 10-18 years old.  Nominees must reside in the Valparaiso area (not only Valparaiso Community Schools students, but private and homeschooling students as well). The review committee will be looking for students that exemplify the following values:

  • Benevolence (empathy, kindness, positive attitude): The nominee is known as a positive person.  They create happiness among peers, have a positive outlook on life, include everyone, are a good listener, and feel for others.  Examples of benevolence would include being a helping hand to anyone in need, including individuals they are not friends with at recess, or sitting with a new student at lunch.
  • Leadership: The nominee is a natural leader and takes charge in situations while remaining respectful.  They have problem-solving skills and are able to actively listen to those around them. 
  • Perseverance (determination and initiative):  In all aspects of life, the nominee completes what they start and they want to become more involved.  They are determined to reach their goals through hard work, and they display resilience and a strong work ethic.  Examples of perseverance would include asking to participate in volunteer activities and choosing to sign up for different clubs/activities to become more involved.

Submit your nomination form before the November 1 deadline.