Calumet College of St. Joseph turns the tassels at 2024 Spring Commencement

Calumet College of St. Joseph turns the tassels at 2024 Spring Commencement

There’s no better feeling than when you walk down that stage with a diploma in your hand. Calumet College of St. Joseph held their Spring Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 11.

Father Jeff Kirsh, provincial director of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, also serves as a board member at Calumet College of St. Joseph. He discusses how these students were dedicated throughout their educational journey leading up to this day.

“The student body has worked very hard to get to this point in their life,” Father Kirsh said. “They've written many papers and taken plenty of tests. Most importantly, they've developed relationships between each other. Now they’re empowered to change the world for the better.”

Calumet College of St. Joseph Spring Commencement 2024

Calumet College of St. Joseph Spring Commencement 2024 149 Photos
Calumet College of St. Joseph Spring Commencement 2024Calumet College of St. Joseph Spring Commencement 2024Calumet College of St. Joseph Spring Commencement 2024Calumet College of St. Joseph Spring Commencement 2024

Calumet College of St. Joseph emphasizes putting the student body first with every opportunity they provide. Father Kirsh is proud of the way that these students made the most of these opportunities and will carry memories for a lifetime with them moving forward.

“One of the slogans that we have here is, you belong,” Kirsh said. “Here at the college, everyone has a place whether it's athletics, campus ministry, or extracurricular activities in the classroom.”

The best way that Kirsh could describe this class is as a hard-working bunch that never gives up. One student who exemplifies that notion is Valedictorian Aaron Czok.

Czok expresses his gratitude for the people in his circle, from the long-term supporters to the new friends he made at Calumet College of St. Joseph.

“My goal when I first came here was to just become the best person I can be," Czok said. “I just wanted to excel in my studies and take in as much as I could. From my peers and my professors, I’m super thankful for them.”

Reaching the finish line of this part of his journey, Czok is glad to have the opportunity to share his success with his family and friends.

Additionally, he’s looking forward to exploring opportunities in the future. He currently has a job offer lined up as a project manager.

“I feel prideful and a great deal of joy,” Czok said. "There are some mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness, but I'm confident it will all turn out right if I put my mind to what I want to achieve.”

Colleen Ashe, public safety management at Calumet College of St. Joseph, considers this day to be one of the biggest milestones any student could reach.

“It's such a huge accomplishment for them,” Ashe said. “I like the fact that everyone came together and worked hard leading up to this day and we’ve made it.”

Ashe has become very close with this class of students in their time at the college. However, she can’t wait to see the path that each student takes to maximize their potential in the world.

“I think between the students and faculty, we really grew as a family,” Ashe said. “We went to each semester and got closer along the way and kept in contact with each other as well.”

Above all, commencement is a symbol of resilience. These students having the chance to share their success in front of their close ones is a special honor that warrants the ultimate celebration.

“It’s such a wonderful opportunity to share in the joy that all of these families are experiencing,” Kirsh said. “It’s great to see their children, grandchildren, friends, and relatives cross that stage to get their diploma that will help them get a job.”

For more information on Calumet College of St. Joseph, you can visit their website.