Home»Other»OPO Traffic Enforcement Patrols Announced for March 2016

OPO Traffic Enforcement Patrols Announced for March 2016

michigan-city-policeThe Michigan City Police Department will have extra Officers working overtime during the month of March, along with working OPO Blitz 84 “St Patrick Day” aggressive driving blitz, beginning Friday, March 4th and ending Easter Sunday March 27th.

Michigan City will have an increase in traffic as visitors come to Michigan City for the High School Reginal Basketball games being held at the Michigan City High school on Saturday, March 12th.

Officers will be working with a primary focus of enforcing Seat belt, Child Restraint laws, Speeding, Following Too Closely and Texting, along with enforcing all other traffic laws throughout Michigan City.

Officers from the Michigan City Police Department will be making a special effort this year to ensure all motorists are safe around the Holiday celebrations and encourage designated drivers.

Officers of the Michigan City Police Department will continue working other traffic safety grants, including the Countywide DUI Task Force to improve the Quality of Life to the citizens of Michigan City.