On June 27, Opportunity Enterprises CEO David Stupay revealed the organization’s five-year strategic plan to some of those who it most affects: the families of OE participants.
The strategic plan includes goals for OE to be the premier provider in Northwest Indiana for people with disabilities; to be a thought leader; to be a best employer for participants, employees, and volunteers; and to be an enduring enterprise through sustainable impact and operational excellence.
Stupay explained the market research, family and other stakeholders’ input, and self-assessment of the agency’s current operations that all went into creating the initiatives that will carry Opportunity Enterprises through the next five years. “There are more than 12,000 individuals living in Northwest Indiana with an intellectual or developmental disability, and they are living longer, healthier lives than ever before,” said Stupay. “Opportunity Enterprises needs to be able to serve the needs of this evolving population in every stage of life.”
As Stupay focused on sharing the portion of the plan related to premier programming, he stressed the importance of offering a clinical approach to programs, a full continuum of services, high quality support, and caring staff. New initiatives under this goal will be the introduction of Applied Behavior Analysis into the current curriculum as an industry best practice; the expansion of programming into the youth market to compliment offerings available through the public schools, especially after school and summer programming; the expansion of OE’s presence through new facilities across Northwest Indiana; and an increase in parent and family support programming.
Kristin Erdei, a parent who participated in a family focus group and was in attendance at the plan’s unveiling, shared her excitement for the new plans. “I feel that this is the right direction for OE. I’m very interested in OE as a wonderful provider for all ages of people with disabilities, and I’m excited for expanded opportunities,” said Erdei. “The new focus on youth programming for children age 3-18 is especially exciting. It will be wonderful for OE to be a place where they can serve their participants throughout their lifetimes. And especially for the kids in that group, they’re going to make friends who they will eventually be working with, and maybe living with. It’s going to be a really good thing.”
As Stupay continued sharing the plan with families, he also emphasized a renewed effort to invest in Opportunity Enterprises’ workforce. “Through the efforts of our team, Opportunity Enterprises will become an employer of choice in Northwest Indiana,” said Stupay. “As we invest in our employees through skills training and leadership development, our workforce will become highly engaged and well prepared to serve.”
Quality service makes all the difference to families, according to Leslie Nuss Bamesberger, another parent in attendance for the plan’s unveiling. “It’s hard,” said Bamesberger about having a child with a developmental disability, “but support is very important.” Bamesberger emphasized the importance of also supporting the agency itself because of the impactful difference it makes in the lives of families. “Supporting OE speaks to a community with more empathy, more compassion,” said Bamesberger.
Erdei agrees that supporting Opportunity Enterprises is important and wants to be a part of making those services better over time. “There’s already a cultural shift with the acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities. It’s an exciting time to be a part of that,” said Erdei.
Surrounded by families energized about the agency’s plans for the next five years, Stupay couldn’t be more excited about putting the plan into action. “This whole process has been a team effort that included our board, staff, families, and supporters,” said Stupay. “At the end of the day, all of our investments into our staff and expanded programming will be for the benefit of the children and adults we serve on daily basis.”