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PATH to host safeTALK: Anyone Can Save a Life

PATHGreenLargeTaglineSuicide is a topic many are uncomfortable discussing, especially this time of year. Social norms dictate that we should be happy and full of holiday cheer during the holidays. However, for many, depression and suicide are a real problem during the winter months. The holidays can aggrandize feelings of loneliness and depression. While others are out celebrating and gathering with family members and friends, those who struggle with thoughts of suicide might spend this time reflecting more in depth about their emotions.

If you know someone or you yourself are struggling with thoughts of suicide, CLICK HERE for six practical ways to help, found on our latest blog post.

Tip #6
Get Training. Attending a suicide prevention training can make a huge difference in your own life or the life of someone you care about. A Positive Approach to Teen Health is hosting safeTALK: Anyone Can Save a Life. To learn more about this lifesaving training or register click on SafeTALK Training.

safeTALK Lunch & Learn Workshop Suicide Alertness for Everyone

Why Should I come to safeTALK? In only a few hours, you will learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide. Expect to leave safeTALK more willing and able to perform an important helping role for persons with thoughts of suicide.

SafeTALK was created by Living Works. To find out more information about safeTALK or LivingWorks

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