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Portage High School PLTW Engineering, Biomedical Sciences and Robotics Classes Visit Willowcreek and Fegley Middle Schools

PHS-PLTW-Engineering-Biomedical-Sciences-Robotics-Classes-Visit-Willowcreek-and-Fegley-Middle-Schools-2017_01Portage High School PLTW Engineering, Biomedical Sciences and Robotics classes took their show on the road to Willowcreek and Fegley middle schools on Tuesday. Current high school students presented the PLTW and STEM pathway opportunities to all of the district's 8th graders. They shared examples of class projects for the 8th grade students to see and touch, and talked to the students about what to expect in PLTW and STEM high school classes. The 8th grade students also had the opportunity to ask questions about the PTLW classes.

PLTW is the nation's leading STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) curriculum. Portage Township Schools boasts a robust PLTW program providing its middle and high school students opportunities in 13 different courses in Engineering, Biomedical, and Computer Sciences. These courses engage kids in real-world challenges and help students develop skills for the workforce, college, and beyond. Best of all, it's fun.

PHS-PLTW-Engineering-Biomedical-Sciences-Robotics-Classes-Visit-Willowcreek-and-Fegley-Middle-Schools-2017_02Portage Township School's PLTW mission statement is "Empowering tomorrow's problem solvers, today!"

PHS Student presenters were...

  • Seniors: Marc Biggs, Connor Edwards, Payton Bailey, Dakota Fryer, and Faith Zettler
  • Juniors: Taylor Vestal, Sanja Kirova, Daniel Shelton, and Dylan Filla
  • Sophmores: Kyle Faulkner
  • Freshman: Zander Gomolinski