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Portage High School World Language Honor Society Inducts 100 New Members

Portage High School World Language Honor Society Inducts 100 New Members

The Portage High School chapter of the World Language Honor Society inducted 100 new members, including principal Max Gill, at their annual induction ceremony on Wednesday.

World Language department chairperson Andrea Flynn led the ceremony, which honors students who have achieved a letter grade of an A for three consecutive semesters after first year of study in a World Language class. The inductees received a candle and a medal to wear at graduation.

Portage-High-School-World-Language-Honor-Society-Inducts-100-New-Members_02 The World Languages classes are taught by Spanish teachers Donovan McKiddy, Natalie Krause, Amanda Brown-Holler, Mary Poponas, Brighitte Snemis and Andrea Pappas, German teacher Maria Gross and French teacher Flynn.

Portage-High-School-World-Language-Honor-Society-Inducts-100-New-Members_03 PHS head principal Max Gill received an honorary induction at the start of the ceremony.

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