Portage Rotary Celebrates 50 Years

Portage-Rotary-50-YearsFrom Wikipedia: “A service club or service organization is a voluntary non-profit organization where members meet regularly to perform charitable works either by direct hands-on efforts or by raising money for other organizations.”

On this past Friday, Feb. 3rd, one of Portage’s several service clubs celebrated its 50th anniversary at Inspiration Wood in Westville. The Portage Rotary Club has a long history of proudly representing the definition of a service club.

Besides being very well attended by the current membership the invited guests included: Portage Mayor James Synder, Christina Dougherty- Assistant District Governor and District Governor Elect of Rotary International District 6540, Barb Mort -District Administrative Assistant, Jim Jeselnick -Past District Govenor and current member of the Chesterton Club.

Following the dinner Jim Jeselnick did a short program about Paul P. Harris who founded Rotary International in 1905. Unknown to many at the dinner, Chicagoan Paul Harris spent many years walking right here in our dune area on the shores of Lake Michigan. Per Wikipedia: “His initial goal was to create a club of professional and business men for friendship and fellowship. Early on, Harris realized that Rotary needed a greater purpose. While Harris served as president of the Chicago Rotary Club in 1907, the club initiated its first public service project, the construction of public toilets in Chicago. This step transformed Rotary into the world's first Service Club.” One can only imagine how grateful early Chicago workers, and visitors, were for this project of basic human needs.

Like the other service clubs here in Portage, many people have no idea what they do, or in fact that they happily and willingly work on many needy programs or for organizations within the community totally behind the scenes and without the need for recognition.

The current Rotary Club officials are: Gwen Kiser- President, Tina Stiener-Secretary, Dawn Brutout -Treasurer, Ron Szabo –Sergeant at arms, and Glenn Yerby- President Elect.

Luncheon meetings are held every Wednesday from 12:15 to 1:15 PM at Miller’s Assisted Living in the second floor Recreation Room and all business professionals are welcome to join us.