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Portage Township Live Entertainment Association Donates $700 to the Portage MCJROTC Program

Portage Township Live Entertainment Association Donates $700 to the Portage MCJROTC Program

On 13 Oct 2017 the Portage Township Live Entertainment Association donates $700.00 to the Portage MCJROTC Program. Mr. Jose Moreno presents a check for $700.00 to cadets from the Drill Team. The donation will be used for the purchase of much-needed garment bags for transporting dress uniforms to drill meets.

Portage-Township-Live-Entertainment-Association-Donates-to-the-Portage-MCJROTC-Program-2017_02Thank you Portage Township Live Entertainment Association front standing (L-R): Mr. Jose Moreno and Cadet Paul Hendron. Pictured rear standing (L-R): Cadets Eli Valdez, Melena Trujillo, Giana Vespo and Ethan Trent. On 14 Oct 2017 Cadets from the Portage MCJROTC Raider Team participated in a Raider Meet hosted by the Hobart Army JROTC program. Despite the heavy rain the Portage Raiders stayed steady and finished 5th of 13 teams. Pictured are the Portage Raider Teams Alpha and Bravo. Front kneeling (L-R): Lance Watkins, Eli Valdez, Jacob Bondon, Brittney Tatgenhorst, Brynlee Melcic and Jacob Ramos. Rear standing (L-R): Michael Shine, Zach Diaz, Giana Vespo, Dallas Wolters Steven Hansen, LtCol Gualandi, Devin Spencer, Paul Hendron, Cade Birtell, Dakota Wolters, Kyle Faulkner, Juan Torres, Tiarra Allen and Sarah Hamilton.