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PTSC Weekly Update: ISTEP+ Updates

porter-township-schools-logoISTEP+ Assessments for students in grades 3-8 begin on February 25th, 2015 and run through March 13th, 2015. This is the Applied Skills portion of the assessment that is being taken through a paper and pencil test.

After receiving considerable negative feedback on the length of the test this year, the legislature, IDOE, and governor Pence have worked to reduce testing times. This has been tricky as the goal is to maintain validity and reliability of the test. Schools have now been assigned to take portions of the test rather than the entire test in order to reduce testing times.

IREAD-3 begins on March 12th and runs through March 18th for all third grade students.

Our final round of ISTEP+ assessments is the online, multiple choice section of the test which will run from April 27-May 15, 2015.

It is important for students to get a good nights sleep, eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, be at school each day, and do their personal best on the test.