Are you feeling reluctant to create New Year’s Resolutions? After years of failed resolutions past, I don’t blame you. However, if you pick the right resolutions, you’ll face the New Year head on, ready to make good on your big plans from January 1 all the way to December 31.
What kind of resolutions will you actually keep this year? Good question. Here are seven resolutions that you can keep and that will help you achieve big strides towards your fitness goals in 2019:
Resolution #1: Get Fishy
Giving your health a boost doesn’t have to take an incredible amount of time. With this resolution, it doesn’t even take will power. All it takes is modifying your grocery list by buying fish on occasion. Enjoy fish for dinner once a week, and you’ll protect your heart from disease and increase your chances for a longer life. Go with salmon, trout, flounder, or tuna.
Resolution #2: Lather Up
You want your skin to look young and healthy, so this is the year you do something about it. Keep a bottle of sunscreen on your counter. When getting ready for your day, make it part of your routine to spread some sun-shielding lotion on your face, arms, and neck. It’ll save your skin so it’ll look its best in years to come and prevent skin cancer.
Resolution #3: Sweat in the AM
In today’s world, it can be difficult to find the time to exercise. One way to increase your odds for exercising each day is to knock it out first thing in the morning. This year, resolve to exercise right after waking up. Adjust your wake up time to accommodate your morning sweat session.
Resolution 4: Swap One Meal
By swapping out one of your daily meals for a 1 or 2 scoop protein shake you’ll save yourself a few hundred calories each day while providing your muscles with much needed protein. Most of my clients choose to make this swap for breakfast, since it’s so convenience to shake up some protein powder and water to drink on-the-go as you race out the door to start your day. If you only choose to make one resolution this year make it this one – you’ll be astounded at the quick results this simple daily swap will deliver.
Resolution 5: Push Your Body
Know that half marathon you’ve been considering? Want to stop feeling the need to eat cake at every birthday party you attend—even when the cake is dry? This is the year you train properly for that race, say no to cake on occasion, and take up mountain climbing. Find someone with the same goal, make a plan to reach the goal, and get started. Once you complete your first goal and see that it wasn’t as impossible as you once thought, you may just find yourself setting even bigger goals for next year.
Resolution 6: Down More H2O
Your body is primarily made up of water. Keep it that way by skipping soda and sipping on water all day long. A great way to make strides toward your watery goal is to fill up the biggest water bottle you can find and go at it. Preferably, you can drink from something that holds 2.2 liters (9 cups), as all you’ll need is a single fill up in the morning to stay hydrated all day long.
Resolution 7: Stretch Every Day
One of the best ways to avoid injury, as we age, is to take a few minutes to stretch daily. This is most effectively done after you have warmed up and before you begin the intense portion of your routine. By taking the best care of your muscles, with stretching, you’ll avoid taking time off for injury recovery and will be able to accomplish your goals quicker.
There you have it, 7 realistic New Year’s Resolutions to help make 2019 your best year yet. The most effective way to ensure that you stick with your resolutions is to become one of my valued clients. I’ll be by your side every step of the way as we get you from where you are today to the body that you want to live in tomorrow.
Call or email me now to get started on my best program!
4 Worst Breakfast Items
Don’t get caught eating one of these 4 things for breakfast:
- Breakfast pastry: muffins, doughnuts, bear claws and croissants sure taste good with coffee, but all those refined carbs are going to cause unwanted weight gain.
- Granola Bars: watch out for the breakfast bars that claim to give you fiber, vitamins and minerals. Check the number of carbs and sugars on the back of the label – most contain the same sugar as a pastry.
- Cereal: here’s another popular breakfast item that has tons of sugar lurking beneath its surface. Only eat cereal that has no added sugar and that contains some protein and healthy fat.
- Drive Thru Breakfast Sandwich: don’t even think about heading to the drive thru for a quick breakfast sandwich. Instead grab a hard boiled egg from home to enjoy on your commute.
Breakfast Protein Parfait
Here’s a great recipe to make the night before for an easy grab-n-go breakfast straight out of the fridge. It’s packed with protein, vitamins and minerals for sustained energy all morning long. And it tastes great too.
What you need
Serves 1
- ¼ cup Greek Yogurt, plain, fat free
- ¼ cup low fat cottage cheese
- 1 scoop high quality strawberry or vanilla protein powder
- ¼ cup fresh berries
- 1 Tablespoon pecan pieces, toasted
- In a small bowl use a whisk to combine the yogurt, cottage cheese and protein powder. Mix until well incorporated.
- Place half of the yogurt mixture into a clear cup, top with the berries and then the remaining yogurt mixture. Top with pecans.
One serving equals 260 calories, 6g fat, 307mg sodium, 11g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 38g protein.