The objective of the naming process is to establish the unified university's unique identity over the long term within the state of Indiana higher education environment and the Purdue University system. The Unification Committee has recommended the identity of our unified university will include preservation of the North Central and Calumet campus references.
As part of the process developed by the Unification Committee, a survey was created listing several name suggestions that had been offered through an open call for name ideas. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and other constituents of both campuses were invited to provide feedback to those suggestions. That feedback will be shared with the Unification Committee at its next meeting at 1 p.m. on May 9 at Purdue North Central, along with other suggestions and comments collected. All of this information will be considered in the naming process.
Thank you for your active participation in the unification naming process thus far. Selection of a name for the unified university is an ongoing process. Various opinions have been expressed regarding how our name should be selected. The overall selection process being used is based on best practices in marketing and naming of an organization.
While inviting responses is a common way to solicit input, it is one part of a larger process to drive the important choice of a name. The feedback received through the process so far is much appreciated. All questions and suggestions continue to be welcome and will be considered as the Unification Committee works toward advancing name recommendations to the Purdue University Board of Trustees. If you wish to submit additional name ideas or suggestions, please submit your comments via one of the following:
- (Contact Us form)
We are continuing to monitor all communication channels throughout the unification process. The Unification Committee will continue reviewing options until it is satisfied with one or more fully vetted names to recommend to the Board of Trustees.
Students, faculty and staff can expect to read coverage in local news media who have inquired about the naming process.
Information about the unification process and the naming process is always available on the unification website: