Only those who have served our country in the military truly know the rigors of war. Those of us who have never served can only begin to imagine what goes on when someone in the Armed Forces goes overseas to fight, but we all understand the job is one of the most physically and emotionally demanding ones in all of the world.
And for many in the military that go to battle for our freedom, the war for them is often not over when they come home.
An estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every day in America, many of whom battled with mental health issues like PTSD and TBIs due to combat.
Project 22Kill is an organization dedicated to raising awareness about veteran suicide and mental health, and Thomas KIA of Highland is dedicated to helping spread the message of 22Kill.
22Kill’s latest campaign is #22Pushups, a social media campaign raised at inspiring people of the world to perform 22,000,000 pushups as a society in hopes of raising awareness and donations for veterans and mental health through the power of social media. In a show of support to the project and our veterans, Thomas KIA gathered 22 people to perform 22 pushups at their dealership in an effort to show support of the project and their solidarity with the troops.
“Soldiers go into service with passion and love for service to their country and communities as the foundation for their motives,” said Mo Youssef of Thomas Kia. “Sometimes their service can go unnoticed, especially while suffering from PTSD.”
And any little thing Thomas KIA can do to help put our veterans in the spotlight is a step in the right direction, says Youssef.
“Anything we can do their behalf or for them is just a small gesture that we understand, even though we can't come close to their courage and willingness to sacrifice their lives for us.”
Because, after all, Youssef says, we must never forget the ultimate sacrifice that many of our veterans are willing to make on behalf of keeping us free.
“Life is the only gift we have, and we should value it as such.”
To learn more about Project #22Kill and how you can get involved, click here.