Home»Other»Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County Briefs, July 9, 2015

Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County Briefs, July 9, 2015

Household-Hazardous-Waste-Collection-2013-2Collection event Saturday in Chesterton
The Recycling and Waste Reduction District of Porter County will help Porter County residents safely dispose of their old pesticides, gasoline, CFLs and other products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable or reactive ingredients at the household hazardous waste collection event scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 11, at Westchester Intermediate School, 1050 S. 5th St., Chesterton.

Wait times will vary and may be long. Participants should plan their schedules accordingly. Items that will be accepted include aerosol cans; anti-freeze; oil; batteries (household and automotive); corrosives; medications; mercury containing products (fluorescent tubes, CFLs, thermometers, thermostats, etc.); oil-based and latex paint, thinners and solvents; pesticides and other poisons; diesel fuel, kerosene, other flammable liquids; and ammunition.

Three more household hazardous waste collection events are scheduled this year:

Aug. 8 at Portage High School, 6450 E. Route 6;
Aug. 15 at Hebron Middle School, 307 South Main St; and
Oct. 17 at Porter County Expo Center, 215 E. Division Rd., Valparaiso.

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Judy-Mollway-2015Congratulations, Judy Mollway
Judy Mollway received her certificate and badge to become the newest Porter County Certified Master Recycler.

The Ogden Dunes resident was recognized at the quarterly board of directors meeting of the Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County. She recently completed 30 volunteer hours, thereby fulfilling all requirements of the Porter County Master Recycler Program, sponsored by the district.

Mollway fulfilled her educational requirement by attending classes last fall, which consisted of guest speakers who talked about recycling processes, landfills, household hazardous waste, vermicomposting, backyard composting, electronics recycling and more. The program also included field trips.

The purpose of the Porter County Master Recycler Program is to create a volunteer pool of knowledgeable residents who help to educate and inspire others in the community to reduce waste at home and work. Master Recycler Programs originated in the Pacific Northwest, and there are a few sprinkled around the rest of the United States.

The next Master Recycler class is scheduled to begin in September. Anyone who lives or works in Porter County can register. For more information, call 465-3819.

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Plastic-BagDon't recycle plastic bags curbside
Plastic bags CANNOT be placed in your curbside recycling collection in Northwest Indiana. However, plastic bags CAN be brought to many convenient locations around the area where they will ultimately get recycled.

Visit www.plasticfilmrecycling.org, enter your zip code, and you'll discover a number of places locally where you can take your plastic bags and other film products, such as newspaper, bread and produce bags; furniture wrap; plastic cereal liners; etc.

Contest awards CA$H scholarships
The Indiana Recycling Coalition is looking for Indiana high school students (grades 10 through 12) to produce 30-45 second videos to help educate Hoosiers on the environmental impacts of recycling.

This year's theme focuses on the value of recycled goods and what they can become if they are recycled rather than thrown in the trash.

Participating students will have the opportunity to receive CASH SCHOLARSHIPS for their work.

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