Resources to Help Prepare and Pay for College

karen-tallianA college degree or advanced training can translate into a big payoff, not only individually but for Indiana’s economic success. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, students graduating with an associate’s degree had median weekly earnings that were more than 15 percent higher than students with only a high school degree in 2011.

Median weekly earnings for graduates with bachelor’s degrees were 64 percent higher than those earned by workers with only a high school degree in 2011. That’s a difference that adds up to more than $21,000 annually.

Pursuing higher education is an investment and can come at a significant financial cost. In 2010, graduating students owed on average $25,250 in student loans.

A number of state and federal resources, such as Learn More Indiana, provide financial and planning resources for students preparing for college.

Preparing for college

A clear understanding of how much college will cost is a key factor in determining what school to attend. Use the College Cost Calculator to determine how much college will cost you and your family. Calculate the cost of attending college>>

More resources to prepare for college costs>>

Student loan repayment options

Students making payments on multiple student loans, having difficulty making payments or paying a variable interest rate on student loans may be eligible for loan consolidation. Reducing your loans to one payment through one lender simplifies the management of student debt.Eligibility, requirements and other information on student loan consolidation>>

More repayment resources>>