Rotary Club of LaPorte eBulletin Friday, July 05, 2013

rotary-club-july-5Notes from Rotary Meeting of July 1, 2013

President Tyler Smith called the meeting to order and led members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test of Rotary. Mike Sutton offered the invocation.

Leigh Morris led in singing “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy”.

Sergeant-at-Arms – Mitch Feikes raised money for the club with questions about the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Happy $$’s – Glade Montgomery, Deb Varnak, Gene Burrows, Mitch Feikes, Judy Hamilton, Mike Rosenbaum, Dale Wratchford, Leigh Morris, and Beth Ingram.

New Member Induction – Leigh Morris inducted Dale Wratchford into membership in La Porte Rotary. Rev. Wratchford is Chaplain at IU Health La Porte Hospital. In his induction remarks, Mr. Morris stressed that each person invited to join Rotary has been identified as a leader in his/her profession and in the community. He also cited the Rotary wheel as a symbol both of Rotary’s inward values of fellowship among members and its outward emphasis on service to the community.

rotary logoDistrict Governor Christina Dougherty – President Smith called attention to the banner honoring La Porte Rotary as the Home Club of District Governor Christina Dougherty for the 2013/2014 year. She will visit our club on July 29.

Airport Dinner – July 22 at La Porte Municipal Airport. Ed Volk has asked Sean White from Indianapolis to be our speaker. More information about the speaker will be forthcoming. This will be a joint meeting with the Michigan City club.

Program – President Tyler Smith outlined his goals and plans for the 2013/2014 Rotary year as we work together to serve our community. Tyler indicated his intention to build on the efforts and successes of recent years with four main goals: retaining and increasing membership; focus on service projects; support for the Rotary Foundation; and leadership development.

Tyler’s goals are for each Rotarian to be involved in two service projects; that every Rotarian provide financial support for the Foundation; and that the club’s involvement with young people be expanded with more classroom involvement, support for Junior Achievement, and to explore the formation of a Rotary club at La Porte High School. He hopes to increase Rotarians’ involvement with their club through participation in projects, expanding the use of technology to maintain connections, holding more social and family events, encouraging members to visit other Rotary clubs. He encouraged Rotarians to bring their passions to the club and to reach out to Tyler to express their interests. Tyler said, “the more we participate, the better the club will be.”

Rotarians in attendance were: Mike Arnett, Gene Burrows, Ron Cmiel, Bert Cook, Mitch Feikes, Ron Gigliotti, Judy Hamilton, Bill Hedge, Beth Ingram, Norm Juday, Neil Mangus, Glade Montgomery, Leigh Morris, Dale Parkison, Mike Rosenbaum, Andy Serafin, Vern Sikora, Tyler Smith, Mike Sutton, Ted Taylor, Deb Varnak, Dale Wratchford. Guest: Dottie Rosenbaum, wife of Mike Rosenbaum.