Roylab α

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I've had a lab of some sort or another all my life. Whether it was the floor of my mom's office or the old kitchen table, I found a place to put my projects together. Eventually I set up shop in a small closet it my basement. It was 4 iMacs(about 5 feet) deep and I stored everything from a 2-d plotter to a salvaged garage-door opener in it.

Recently we re-modeled our basement and I ended up with a bigger space. Inspired by a late teacher, Roy Hanley, I decided to name it Roylab alpha. I've been slowly working on getting it cleaned up and getting all my components organized, and the day that I once again have a proper lab is swiftly approaching. One of my favorite new toys is my light lightboard. It is more about the aesthetics of the lab than some of my other tools, but it still comes in handy (see video after the "read more")


The lightboard is nothing more than a plexiglass sheet with some holes dripped into for LEDs.. I wired them up to a 5 volt supply and used my old cash register as a mechanical switch. You can get a peek at the rest of mysetup here, and keep your eyes peeled for more updates on Royab!