All RVers are invited. You are sure to have a good time getting acquainted with our Chapter Members, who love to camp, and share the same interests as you. The next get-together will be Saturday, January 15th at 12:00 noon. Located at Denny’s Restaurant, one block east on US 2 -- Demotte/ Lowell’s Exit.. Junction of I-65
Sams Indiana Travelers is one of many Indiana State Chapters of the National Good Sam Club. The National Good Sam Club’s logo is a comic biblical character based on the Good Samaritan. For More than 40 years, the face in round Red Circle has become a recognized symbol on RVs for the Good Sam RV Club’s members. The main goal of the Good Sam RV Club is to help fellow RVers when needed. Another goal is for all RVers to enjoy more use of their Rigs. One of our National Good Sam Club’s Pledges is to help our communities any way possible.
This year, our Chapter decided to donate money to the NW Indiana Food Bank, instead of chapter members drawing names to exchanging gifts. At our Annual Christmas Party located at the Flying J Restaurant, held the first Saturday in December; our chapter members decided to buy gifts for the children that might not receive a present at Christmas time. Bob and Bonnie Mueller, a couple in our chapter, took the toys to a “Toys for Tots” Valparaiso center for distribution. Every year, we donate to different centers’ locations in NW Indiana.
New Chapter Officers were installed at this get-together for the year 2011: Chuck Wells, President; Rich Buzalski, Vice-President; Beverly McDonough, Secretary; Sue Wingate, Treasurer. At the next get-together, Chapter #96 members: Neil Wingate, Gigi and Rolf Theurich, Anna Brown, Dennis Wright (Square Dance Caller), Bonnie and Bob Mueller (Provides the Birthday Cakes), Nancy Mills and Alfred H. Mills Sr., Past President. Al is now Chapter #96’s Chaplin. These members will determine when and where we will go camping this coming season. Suggestions from visitors are always welcomed.
Our Primary object is to enjoy wholesome fun, make new friends and have local get-togethers once or twice every month, starting in April to October 2011. Weather permitting, we will visit campgrounds within 75 miles of Hobart for our monthly weekend camp outs. Sometimes a group of our members will travel longer distances for a special “Trip to an interesting event or Vacation”.
For more information about Sams Indiana Travelers C#96, contact: Chuck Wells, President at (219) 942-9371; or Nancy Mills, Membership Chairman (219) 844-8727 or email . ‘