Join the Northwest Indiana Septic System Coordination Work Group in celebrating septic system awareness as part of Coastal Awareness Month this June. Contact to receive free information on proper septic system maintenance and care to share with your friends and neighbors. Learn simple steps you can take to be a good neighbor and keep your septic system functioning properly.
Save the Dunes is partnering with the Indiana Lake Michigan Coastal Program and the Northwest Indiana Septic System Coordination Work Group to develop materials specific to Northwest Indiana to educate homeowners about simple steps they can take to maintain and care for their septic system. Materials, such as a postcard, reminder refrigerator magnet, public service announcements, and more, are available by contacting Save the Dunes.
Homeowners who pledge to maintain their septic system properly can receive a temporary yard sign to show their commitment to being a good neighbor. This signage campaign is being piloted in the Trail Creek and Miller Beach communities in June. Save the Dunes Executive Director, Natalie Johnson explains, “local research has shown that Northwest Indiana residents are motivated by a desire to be good neighbors. Maintaining your septic system is one simple and meaningful way to be a good neighbor.”
Follow these simple tips to protect and maintain your septic system:
• Have your tank pumped and system inspected by a certified and licensed professional every 3-5 years. • Don’t pour grease, fats, or harmful chemicals like paints and solvents down your drain. They can clog or harm your system. • Don’t flush non-degradable items, such as diapers, wipes, or feminine hygiene products. • Don’t drive or park on your drainfield. Plant only grass. • Fix household leaks and use water efficiently to avoid overtaxing your system. • Contact your local health department for any questions you may have. They’re here to help!
Northwest Indiana Septic System Awareness Month is being held as part of Coastal Awareness Month 2017, which includes a series of coastal events throughout the month of June. Visit CAM.DNR.IN.GOV for a full listing of events.
This project was made possible by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and the Indiana Lake Michigan Coastal Program.