Sebo’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is constantly looking for ways to engage with the community and spread hope and awareness outside of their walls. That’s why during the month of October they collected stories of those who have battled, and won, the fight against breast cancer in the hopes of highlighting positive stories.
Not only that, but they decided to send a lucky winner to the Pink concert in Chicago this March, giving them not only a chance to share their story, but a chance to get out and enjoy life after the hard road they’ve travelled. Kelly Petty, Regional Director of Business Development for Sebo’s, was excited to spread awareness and hope.
“Sebo’s Nursing and Rehab’s goal was to spread awareness to all of Northwest Indiana during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October! We wanted to recognize a Survivor's Story,” explained Petty. “We asked all survivors to share their story with us and we wanted to honor a survivor by treating them to the Pink concert in Chicago! Sebo’s Nursing and Rehab loves to give back to the community and this was a great way to give back! Sebo’s was honored to send our winner this year to have the time of her life at the concert!”
For winner, Constance Wilkins, her battle with cancer was a hard road, but the opportunity to share her story and attend her first concert has given her a moment to truly enjoy life and appreciate the kindness of others.
“August will be two years cancer free, it was a hard road,” explained Wilkins. “It takes over your whole life, but every day when I went in for treatment, I thought about my family. They are my rock.”
For Wilkins, this opportunity is exciting for many reasons. Celebrating her win against breast cancer, getting a chance to get out and take part in a concert, and watching Pink perform onstage have her excited for her evening in Chicago.
“I don’t get out much. It seems like the cancer has overtaken my life, and all I do is work and come home, so, when I won, I started crying. It was exciting,” explained Wilkins. “I love Pink. I watched her during the Superbowl and she is good!”
For Wilkins, this concert represents more than just winning a contest, it’s also about highlighting real stories of cancer survival. Sebo’s is one facility proud to take part in honoring those members of our society and providing them with a little more comfort after a difficult road.