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Simple At-Home Water Conservation Tips

Simple At-Home Water Conservation Tips

Unnecessary water use at home wastes thousands of gallons of water each year and cost to your household budget. A few simple changes to your daily habits can save you money, lower water consumption, and help maintain local water supplies. The following water conservation tips can be easily put into place in your household, and they’ll generate a big payoff in lowered water consumption.

  • Turn the tap off while brushing teeth or washing hands and save  2.5 gallons of water each minute.
  • When boiling pasta, don’t throw the water down the drain. Instead, collect it, allow it to cool, and use it to water plants. You can do the same with water you use to rinse fruits and vegetables by doing so over a bucket or bowl.
  • All those half-drank water glasses need not be poured down the drain – put them to use watering your plants.
  • Think twice before flushing toilets. Toilets consume a great deal of water – older models can use as much as seven gallons a flush. If you’re comfortable with the saying “if it’s yellow, let it mellow,” saving a flush here and there can save a great deal of water.
  • Wash your car wiser. Instead of washing at home, where water runoff flows down your driveway to a sewer, choose an environmentally conscious car wash that recycles their water.
  • Shorten your showers. Older model showerheads release up to five gallons of water each minute. By taking shorter shows of five minutes or less, the typical family can save as much as $360 annually on the water and electrical bills.
  • Wash full loads only. When it comes to your washing machine and dishwasher, don’t run a load unless it’s full. A typical family can save up to $300 on their utility bills by following this practice.
  • If you hand wash your dishes, fill up the sink and plug it versus allowing water to run as you scrub them.

Indiana American Water is committed to sustainability and water conservation. Water is essential to your daily life. It allows communities to flourish by supplying the needs of local businesses and organizations. Want to learn more about how you can save money and help ensure water is available for future generations? Visit us online at https://amwater.com/inaw/water-information/wise-water-use.