South Shore Foot and Ankle host “Pain in the Heel”, educational event for runners

South Shore Foot and Ankle host “Pain in the Heel”, educational event for runners

On Thursday evening Dr. Meyer from South Shore Foot and Ankle hosted a presentation at Extra Mile to discuss heel and foot pain with a group of more than 20 runners. Meyer discussed typical foot problems, methods of dealing with pain, and why it is important to take care of issues early on.

“If you’ve been dealing with pain for three or four months, it’s not going to get better right away. If you wait longer, it’s going to take longer to get fixed”, Meyer said. “You’re feet are your connection to the ground. Having a good stable base is important for everyone, especially for runners”.

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Both Dr. Meyer and Kirby Laughlin, a sales representative for OS1st Braces and Currex Insoles, were invited by Extra Mile to the event to share their knowledge. For Extra Mile, these educational events are extremely important to their running community.

“These events allow people try out what we have. It’s a nice way to get the community out”, siad Carter Stephens, an Extra Mile employee.

For Laughlin, the event posed as an opportunity to support a local business.

“We like people to shop local and support their local retailers. You know, the internet’s a great thing, it’s easy, but nothing beats walking into a store and working with a local owner, local staff, and helping them be a successful business”, said Laughlin.

After Meyer’s talk, the runners broke into two groups to set out on two seperate 5K runs, a fun run and a training group. Molly Mooney, a member of the training group, discussed why these events are helpful for her.

“It connects me with the bigger running community. It’s good to still get involved and see all of the different things that Extra Mile has to offer”, Mooney said.

Upon their return, runners were able to ask Dr. Meyer more questions and browse through the OS1st products on display. The evening ended with a prize drawing for a new pair of socks from OS1st.

Meyer summed the importance of this event saying, “It’s good to have this connection, we can send patients here and spread the word about good foot health and try to prevent some injuries”.

Remember, it was a vulnerable heel that took down a Greek god, so don’t let foot pain conquer you.

For more information about South Shore Foot and Ankle, visit their website here.