The South Shore Roller Girls will kick off the 2015 season with a “Derby 101”. As we get back into the swing of things, and start our new season, we are opening our doors to women 18 years and older interested in playing roller derby. The sessions are Sundays from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Camelot Bowling Center in Portage, IN beginning February 1st through March 1st. The cost is $5 per person –per session. Cash only. If you want to be your own hero, here is your chance!
Rather than do a one-time tryout, we will be hosting five open skate sessions. This allows prospective players with any level of skating skills to get a true sense of the sport, as well as the responsibilities associated with joining a roller derby team.
The sessions will focus primarily on roller skating basics, proper falls, transitions and an introduction to roller derby. Prospective skaters will also have the chance to interact with our league and ask questions about the sport including the gear, the cost, commitment, etc. We will do our best to supply the majority of the gear needed for the open skate sessions, including skates, but if you have the gear, feel free to bring your own.
This is a non-committal way to get involved with roller derby. After the open skate sessions, we will provide a sign-up sheet to join South Shore Roller Girls. Our Freshmeat (a term affectionately known for new skater) training will begin in April so anyone who wishes to join our league will have the month of March to get all of their gear. You can attend one or all of the open skate sessions.
Please pre-register by emailing with your name, phone number, email, women’s shoe size, and average clothes size (for gear).
The days of waiting for a hero are over. What better way to be your own hero than join our SSRG Derby 101?