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Southlake Family YMCA Working Together for Dogs in the Community

Southlake Family YMCA Working Together for Dogs in the Community

On Sunday, December 6, 2015 over 100 members of the community visited the Southlake Family YMCA for their first “Save a Puppy for Santa” event. This event highlighted the adoption opportunities of rescue dogs from Alsip to the Rescue. Children also had the opportunity to read with Power Paws for Kids. Power Paws for Kids provides reading sessions, builds the confidence of these students and provides them with an exciting environment to practice their reading skills, which they find less intimidating and more enjoyable. Several large boxes filled with donations of dog food, dog toys, blankets, towels, and more were donated to the Alsip to the Rescue cause. After meeting rescue dogs and reading with Power Paws, the families were invited to enjoy a puppy-themed Christmas movie in the Southlake Y’s Hoosier Commons along with popcorn and lemonade.

For additional tips or to learn how to get involved with the Crossroads YMCA (or one of the four branches in Northwest Indiana), contact 219-750-1082 or visit www.crymca.org. To learn more about Alsip to the Rescue, call 219-365-0882 or visit http://www.alsiptotherescue.org; Power Paws for Kids, call 219-671-0076 or visit http://www.powerpawsforkids.org. Various images from the event available here.