Today I am announcing that the city will cease all efforts toward exploring a data center on the city's east side. Our city council is in unanimous support of this action. Our citizens have spoken decisively that they believe this is a project that is not in the best interests of the city. I will, of course, honor that decision. I have spoken with the potential developer, Agincourt, and they have agreed to withdraw from pursuing the project, and also to release their option on the land.
While the city administration would not have further pursued this project without community and city council support, it is clear now that the option of a data center is not something our residents favor. I regret the angst and frustration it has caused some of our citizens. I take full responsibility for how this potential project was communicated and will strive to improve in future opportunities. Valparaiso is an amazing community and as your mayor I look forward to working together to enhance the city in a way that makes us all proud to call it home.