Home»Entertainment»Cuisine»Stepping Stone Shelter for Women’s Annual Meeting and Dinner Set for Thursday

Stepping Stone Shelter for Women’s Annual Meeting and Dinner Set for Thursday

stepping-stone-shelterThe Stepping Stone Shelter for Women, Inc.’s annual meeting and dinner will be held on Thursday, September 25th at the Water’s Edge Restaurant in Michigan City, IN.

Stepping Stone will be celebrating their dedicated Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers, inducting new directors and presenting staff service recognition awards.

Tickets are available for $30 a person or $50 a couple. The event will include dinner and cocktails as well as guest speakers and networking opportunities. Social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m.

This year’s roster of speakers includes Indiana State Representative, Rebecca Kubacki as well as Indiana State Senator, Karen Tallian.

Rebecca Kubacki has spent the past 27 years as a charity volunteer and continues to serve her community in a variety of ways. Her optimism and enthusiasm to help others is unwavering as she brings those same values to the Statehouse. Kubacki fights for economic and job opportunities for all Hoosiers, protecting the unborn and promoting adoption alternatives, and to stop the big problems of domestic abuse of women and the meth epidemic that wrecks so many lives.

Karen Tallian has served her community in a variety of capacities including serving as counsel to the Porter County Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Portage Township Trustees and the Portage Fire Department Merit Board. Tallian has also served as President and board member of the Portage Parks Foundation, President of the Porter County League of Women Voters and the Director of the State Board of the League of Women Voters. In the State Senate, Tallian has taken a leading role on issues important to working families, including labor issues, health care, property tax reform and environmental protection.

Stepping Stone Shelter for Women, Inc. is a non-profit organization that has been the sole provider of 24/7 crisis intervention and recovery support services for women and children in La Porte County who have been victimized by domestic abuse, dating violence and sexual abuse for over 30 years. Stepping Stone has helped numerous women recover from abuse since they opened in Michigan City in 1983. None of this would be possible without the help of donations from the community and volunteers.

Please contact Kay Hill for tickets - (866) 879-4615 - chill@steppingstoneshelter.org