Students from St. Paul Catholic School were just a few of the more than 7,300 students across Indiana to participate in the Indiana Stock Market Game™ Program (SMG) this past spring. The team of Pall Baggett, Isabella Bisone, Evan Fogle, and Kaitlyn Kras managed their investment portfolio well enough to finish first in the Middle School Division.
The Stock Market Game™ gives teams of students a hypothetical $100,000 to create and manage a portfolio of stocks and mutual funds. Nearly 17,000 students at 200 schools across Indiana participated in this year’s game.
ICEE Director of Programs, Jeff Sanson said, “The Stock Market Game™ program provides teachers with an excellent tool for incorporating financial decision making into the classroom. The SMG gives students the opportunity to learn the basics concepts related to those decisions, specifically those involving saving and investing. This is an activity that students get excited about learning; and while they are having fun, they get to put some of that knowledge into practice. In addition, students are reinforcing the skills they have learned in math, language arts and other subjects.”
The Indiana Council for Economic Education (ICEE), in partnership with the SIFMA Foundation for Investor Education and the IU Northwest Center for Economic Education present the Indiana Stock Market Game™ Program each fall and spring. The program is designed to teach students to understand how financial markets work and increase their financial literacy. The Indiana Council on Economic Education (ICEE) leads a network of eleven university centers for economic education and partners with leaders from business, labor, agriculture and government with the goal of helping teachers improve the economic and financial literacy of students in Indiana.
In Indiana, support is provided by a grant to ICEE from the Office of the Indiana Secretary of State, Securities Division. Nationally, The Stock Market Game™ is a program of the SIFMA Foundation for Investor Education, a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing and providing learning resources for investors of all ages, raising the level of investor awareness in the U.S., supporting research programs, and advocating the advancement of investor education.
The Indiana Council for Economic Education
The Indiana Council for Economic Education (ICEE) is a non-profit, educational organization located at Purdue University. Founded in 1954, the ICEE is a comprehensive partnership of leaders from business, labor, agriculture, education, and government dedicated to increasing economic literacy in Indiana. Its mission is to prepare students to become active citizens and productive member of our economy by providing them with the ability to make sound economic decisions. Through a statewide network of 11 regional University Centers, and in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Education, the ICEE provides economic education training, materials, and consulting assistance to thousands of Indiana educators each year. For more information about ICEE visit
The Foundation for Investor Education The Foundation for Investor Education, an affiliate of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, is a charitable, educational not-for-profit (501-c-3) organization dedicated to advocating investor education in the U.S. SIFMA brings together the shared interests of more than 650 securities firms, banks and asset managers. SIFMA's mission is to promote policies and practices that work to expand and perfect markets, foster the development of new products and services and create efficiencies for member firms, while preserving and enhancing the public's trust and confidence in the markets and the industry. SIFMA works to represent its members’ interests locally and globally. It has offices in New York, Washington D.C., and London and its associated firm, the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, is based in Hong Kong. For more information about the Stock Market Game visit