Take a Look at Michigan City NOW

MC-NOW-logoMichigan City has tremendous assets and potential that has yet to be unlocked. More effort and consensus building is required to attract quality investment.

Our mission is to work with all stakeholders to create the best possible future for the citizens of Michigan City and its visitors.

We will organize a group of passionate, informed, committed, responsible citizens that will advocate for moving the community forward.

Our plan is to reach out to people that believe the best days of Michigan City are ahead of us. To organize, learn, communicate, and take action to support or lead specific project and initiatives that will benefit the community.

Together we will help create opportunity and wealth for all.

Our Values & Approach:

  • We value and respect a broad base of views and opinions.
  • We will be inclusive, deliberate, and thoughtful in our actions.
  • We will work to understand all sides of challenges that confront the community and we will advocate for the best possible solutions.
  • We refuse to be silent or swayed in the face of political agendas.
  • We will focus on white paper concepts that can withstand critique and we will modify our direction based upon facts or what is best known at the time.
  • We will be open in our communications.

Click here to find out more about Michigan City NOW.