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Taking the Time to Reflect ‘Around the Table’

I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t handle stress well. From endless hours of homework to extracurricular activities, there have been times when the pressures of high school have gotten the best of me. I’d be lying if I said that I always managed to keep everything under control.

I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t slept before midnight in the past two weeks. It seems like there’s always something that needs to get done, especially considering that senior year consists of life changing decisions. Spending time with my family doesn’t even exist as an option these days, and I often find myself overwhelmed and snapping at my parents when they try to help me out (something I am not proud of!).

One thing I’ve learned in the course of the past 4 years, it’s that everything comes at a price. I’ve learned that there is an opportunity cost behind every decision. Any high school student can attest to the idea of prioritizing school before a social life or vice versa.

Everyone deals with stressors in different ways. For me, setting aside a couple of hours to clear my head always helps. Around the Table stresses the importance of having a support system, and I couldn’t agree more. Spending time with my friends over coffee always does the trick. Talking to people who are going through the same thing as you is therapeutic—you realize you’re not the only one dealing with these stresses. It is easy to feel like the world is against you when you have so much to get done.

My friends and I enjoy spending time at Blackbird café. The friendly staff and delicious food makes it a home away from home. The unique surroundings offer a sense of personality and character, which is something I definitely appreciate. The couches in Blackbird symbolize personal growth in several different ways. Whether my classmates and I are huddled around the table trying to understand our calculus homework or my best friends and I are partaking in a stress rant session, every experience at Blackbird is a positive one.

Moral of the story? Despite life’s fast pace, don’t forget to appreciate the small things in life. While taking two hours to reflect on life seems immaterial, it really does make a difference in the grand scheme of things. My advice for those who are undergoing a similar situation is to find an environment that makes you feel comfortable in. Those two hours can really make a difference in your overall happiness!