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The 2015 NWI Comic-Con, a Slice of Local Nerd Culture

Like a 9th-level fireball spell, nerd culture has exploded in recent years igniting the passions of people from all walks of life. As it is with any interests, fans of comic books, video games, tabletop role playing games and cosplay need a place to call their own, and this mecca was the NWI Comic-Con held at the Halls of St. George in Schererville.

Click here to see more photos from the NWI Comic Con!

As far as the eye could see, people lined up outside of the venue early in the morning. Some were dressed to the nines as their favorite character. The cosplayers really ran the gamut of inspiration. To the left stood Star Wars characters in ornate armor wielding well-crafted sci-fi guns. On the right, various Disney princesses lined up so kids could get a picture with a character from their favorite movies, and the Ghostbusters with proton packs ready were planted by the window to nab any specters or poltergeists. Keep in mind, this was all before entering the main room!

Once inside it was clear - There are few people more passionate than nerds. Laughter and excitement filled the air as people walked by. All within a minute, you could see Magneto and the Joker having fun together, a father taking his daughter to her favorite booth and a group of LARPers (Live-Action Role-Players) posing for a photo with an attendee. The fun didn't stop there.

Throughout the rest of the venue, fanboys and fangirls of all ages flocked to the various vendor booths. Anything that your inner-geek could want was on display. Toys, board games, comic books and a myriad of impeccable art just showcased in all their nerdy glory. The art ranged from professional comic book artists to a local father-daughter team of bead artists. Even local comic shops came out to share in the fun.

As amazing as everything was, one seemed to jump out. Silver Phoenix Entertainment, a vendor with a cause, offered a wide array of comic books and statues. All of the proceeds from these statues, dragons with their scaly bodies and leathery wings and heroes poised to defend mankind from such creatures, went to benefit those affected by Huntington's Disease, and these figures were a sight to be seen.

Local publishers were there as well. Companies like Devil's Due Entertainment and Big Dog Ink showed off their stunning artwork and original writing. For those in attendance, seeing independent publishers was quite a big deal.

When you get down to the heart of it all, the NWI Comic-Con is about one thing, passion. Whether it’s a craving of nostalgia, a desire to showcase your talents or just a chance to be around a large group of people with similar interests, passion burns in the heart of all nerds, long after that 9th-level fire ball has been cast.

So, who’s ready for the 2016 NWI Comic-Con?