Home»Business»Development»The La Porte Urban Enterprise Zone is Acception Applications for 2013 Grant Programs

The La Porte Urban Enterprise Zone is Acception Applications for 2013 Grant Programs

LUEA-logoThe first grant is the Business Grant Program. This program will fund exterior improvements to eligible zone businesses through a 50/50 matching grant of up to $10,000.00 per property address. Eligible rehabilitation activities include: doors, windows, signage, fencing, painting, sidewalks, awnings and landscaping. Roofing and roof repairs are not eligible activities.

The second grant is the Retail and Restaurant Grant Program. This program will fund up to $5,000.00, for rent for a new businesses locating in the City of La Porte Enterprise Zone. The new business must pay the security deposit and first two months rent. In addition the tenant must meet with local SBDC to prepare and submit a business plan with the grant application. The program is designed to be a catalyst for securing new retail, restaurant and service businesses to fill vacant properties in downtown La Porte.

Grant program funding is competitive and subject to the Business Committee and Board approval. The applications will be evaluated on the job creation, number of enterprise zone residents employed, structural/maintenance improvements vs cosmetic improvements, location and overall project costs. All property taxes and zone contributions must be current.

Applications for all grants will be accepted the third day of each month, Grant awards will be announced after the next monthly LPUEA Board meeting. Applications are available on the City of La Porte website www.cityoflaporte.com select LPUEA or by contacting the City of La Porte Office of Community Development and Planning at 362-8260. Contact Mary Jane Thomas, at 362-8260, with questions regarding the grants and applications. Send completed applications to: La Porte Urban Enterprise Association, 801 Michigan Avenue, La Porte, IN 46350.