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Third Annual Tri Kappa Used Book Sale Raising Money for Local Scholarships

tri-kappa-book-sale.jpgKappa Kappa Kappa sorority of Valparaiso is hosting its third annual Used Book Sale October 14-16, 2010. Tri Kappa sorority is dedicated to the advancement of Charity, Culture and Education in our community. Money raised by the sorority throughout the year is used to fund these three causes. Proceeds from the used book sale are primarily used to fund scholarships for high school seniors in Porter County.

The Kappa Kappa Kappa Used Book Sale will be held once again at the National Guard Armory in Valparaiso, 1502 Linwood Avenue (south side of US 30) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on October 14 and 15; and from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 16.

Tri Kappa members collect books all year to prepare for the sale. Members of the sorority receive wonderful support from Larry and Doug Klemz of Home Mountian Printing as the Kappas sort, store and move over 50,000 books each year.

Members of both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson middle schools collect thousands of books to donate each year. About 90 members of the Valparaiso High School National Honor Society help to unload and move the books into the Armory.

This year Tri Kappa has received an additional sponsorship from Mike Leeson, owner of Industrial Revolution Eatery & Grille. The restaurant, located on US 30 (across from the Armory), has agreed to donate a portion of its sales on October 14 to Kappa Kappa Kappa in support of the project.

The Used Book Sale is a major fundraiser of Tri Kappa sorority, but it has evolved into a collaborative project for the community as a whole. Members of Kappa Kappa Kappa would like to thank the Valparaiso community for continued support of the project. Proceeds from the sale will be returned to the community in the form of scholarships and grants for non-profit groups in the Valparaiso area.

Photo (left to right):  Cathy Tursman, Lindsay Knauff, Matt Westergren, Judy Hain, Crystal Wagner
Photo submitted by Jamie Jeannette Photography