Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Time to Plan for Lakeside 4th of July Parade

Time to Plan for Lakeside 4th of July Parade

LakeviewFireworks1Memorial day weekend is the perfect time to start planning for the 2014 4th of July parade in Lakeside. All ages are welcome this year with or without a flag -- but costumes, decorated bicycles, strollers, wagons and wheelchairs should make the day more festive. Patriotic pets will also be welcome.

The parade will kick off at noon, Michigan time, at the lake end of Pier Street in Lakeside. Marchers should just show up and they will be welcomed to be a part of the parade.

“Any vehicle is welcome as long as it is not motorized,” said Susan Eblen, Chairperson of the parade. “People can walk or ride. We want everyone to have fun and be safe.”

Participants should meet at the lake end of Pier Street if they intend to march – those who want to watch the parade should stand along Pier for a good view.

The 2014 Lakeside Fourth of July Parade is going to be different from past years when it was focused on children. It will continue to reflect small town America but will be for people of all ages. Individuals, families, lanes, groups of friends can all be a part of the parade.

A community sing of patriotic songs led by Jan Tomecek will be held in the park following the parade.

For more information, visit www.thelakesideassociation.org