Written by Jane Scupham, Principal
My husband is a very good cook. Which, I must say is a really great thing for me, since it is nice to have someone with whom to share the meal preparations and clean up. His tastes are a little more daring than mine and he loves anything spicy--sometimes the spicier the better. While he was cooking last week, he decided to use some of our own hot peppers from our summer garden to spice up the shrimp. He thinly sliced the pepper and sprinkled it into the pan with the shrimp, olive oil, and white wine. It was not as spicy as we expected it to be. Part of our dinner conversation had to do with why the dish wasn’t as spicy as we expected it to be. Was the “heat level” affected by the sprinkling of the peppers as opposed to the usual infusing of the peppers in the olive oil?
This line of evaluation made me think about the difference between a “sprinkling” of religion done on a once a week schedule in contrast to the total “infusion” of religion that occurs in our school on a daily basis. It is a good thought to ponder during Catholic Schools Week. We are fortunate to be able to “infuse” our Catholic faith into every aspect of our daily dealings here at Saint Paul Catholic School. It is not just a light sprinkling that occurs every now and then, but a true infusion of our faith in our thoughts, words, and actions. We are so fortunate to be able to share the wondrous news of Christianity every day with our students and parents.
Thank you for your support of Catholic education! Happy Catholic Schools Week.