Home»Community»Family»Too Good For Drugs Program for 3rd, 4th, 5th Graders

Too Good For Drugs Program for 3rd, 4th, 5th Graders

Too-Good-For-DrugsTrinity Lutheran and Christ Lutheran Churches are teaming up to bring a Too Good for Drugs Program, geared towards 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.

Too Good for Drugs curriculum focuses on developing personal and interpersonal skills to resist peer pressures, goal setting, decision making, bonding with others, having respect for self and others, managing emotions, effective communication, and social interactions. The program also provides information about the negative consequences of drug use and the benefits of a nonviolent, drug-free lifestyle. The Too Good Curriculum is an evidence based curriculum it has been tested and proven effective in decreasing a child’s intention to use drugs and alcohol.

The program will be held Sundays from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, September 18th through December 11th.

Starting Sept. 18th with a kick-off presentation for parents and youth at Trinity Lutheran. Larry Bass, director of Community Research and Service Center at VU will present Valparaiso drug & alcohol statistics and why we need the “Too Good Program” The youth will then meet for 11 lessons, the first 6 at Trinity and the next 5 at Christ Lutheran.

Final class and celebration party will be Dec. 11th 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. at Christ Lutheran

alparaiso has an increasing drug & alcohol problem. Did you know that in Valparaiso 29% of 8th graders reported drinking alcohol monthly. 20% reported binge drinking monthly. 13% of 8th graders use marijuana monthly. We are bringing this program to the community because we believe by combining God's word with an evidence based drug prevention curriculum, we can make a difference in your child's life! Our churches received a grant through the Frontline Organization from the City of Valparaiso's Substance Abuse Prevention Initiative.

Register at www.tlcvalpo.com/toogood. Long Form Information Sheet will be emailed to you after registration and may be turned in to either Church office by September 11th.

Contact Tammy Mason at masontnt@gmail.com - Christ Lutheran Representative or Deaconess Kristin Lewis at deac.kristin@yahoo.com - Trinity Lutheran Representative