Another year has passed and it has been a busy one for ValpoLife. As we looked back on this momentous first year, we revisited some of the top articles in each section. Here are some of the most viewed articles in Business:
City of Valparaiso Welcomes
Dear Readers, On behalf of the City of Valparaiso, I'd like to welcome to our city. We're excited about the ways the site will help people connect in Valparaiso. Want to know the score or schedule for local sports? Interested in checking out a new restaurant? Want an update on the latest city projects? This innovative - and interactive - site connects you to the information and events that drive Valparaiso.
To view the article, click here.
Building Your Business
Keep Up the Work – Even in Tough Times
Building your business is one key job requirement of leaders in any company, every day, regardless of what the economic times hold. It is easy to get buried working in your business and not spending enough time working on your business. While you can get away with that during the best of times, it can really hammer you during the more volatile economic conditions we are experiencing right now.
To view the article, click here.
ValpoLife Turns to Twitter to Tweet to Town joins Twitter and would love to tweet with you! For anyone who hasn't yet heard of it, Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. If you would like to sign up, visit the Twitter site. Click here to view the ValpoLife twitter page!
To view the article, click here.
Visibility to the Fastest Growing Online Community in Valpo? Priceless.
Great visibility to the fastest growing online community for Valpo? $$$$ Coupons and special offers from your business as easy as sending us your logo, and a few quick words on what you want the coupon to say? $$$ The fact that it is immediate, easy, and Free? Priceless In the interest of exposing the great qualities of local business and keeping business local, we are unveiling the ValpoLife Stimulus plan!
Click here to view the article.
Drop What Isn't Working Like a Bad Habit
Recognizing what does not work is often the hardest principle to execute, because it requires the owner, manager, supervisor, or the whole damn team at the business to take an honest look at everything and own up to the practices, actions, attitudes, habits, and people that are just not working as they should to help grow the business. This requires leaders not only to be honest with themselves and their team about the areas they may be falling short in (either individually or collectively) but, more importantly, it forces them to take action now that opportunities to improve are out in the open. The payoff is huge when you take a negative habit and turn it into a positive one! You’re not slowing things down anymore—you are speeding them up! It changes momentum; one act at a time, the momentum builds. The best companies get to watch it happen all the time!
Click here to read the article. Launch Video Showcases the Site's Attributes
We would like to thank everyone who showed up to the Launch Party for showing their support for what should be a fun and exciting new venture. Everyone had a great time, and with the support of Porter health systems and Prudential Executive Group Real Estate's support, we look forward to continuing to tell all of the wonderful stories that make the city of Valparaiso such a great community.
Click here to view the article.
Save Money in Valpo
It is so easy to find ways to save using the coupons on ValpoLife! * Click on the huge blue LOCAL BUSINESS COUPONS button on the right hand side of the home page. Can't miss it.
Click here to view the article.
Company Launches Website to Improve Meal Planning, Food Shopping
Planning meals, sharing food preparation tips, and saving time and money while grocery shopping could become easier thanks to a new Web site that provides the necessary tools to get organized in the kitchen. Officials at Meal Essence, a product of JDGroup Ventures LLC, launched on Thursday (Oct. 22) during the Evansville Women's Conference. The company is an affiliate of the Purdue Research Park of West Lafayette.
To view the article, click here.
From Sci-Fi to Reality: Prosthetics
Earlier this year an exhibit demonstrated how the original Star Trek was a blueprint for today's electronics. We have communicators (cellphones), tricorders (portable medical and environmental diagnostic tools) and 'main screens' (a plethora of projector and ever increasing flat panel televisions.) While we might not quite have warp engines and teleporters, it's amazing to see how far technology had come to make science fiction science fact. One of these is the robotic limb. We've all see films where human and machine are melded with machine to improve their skills. Cyborgs like the Million Dollar Man have made us wonder what we are capable of using technology.
Click here to read the article. and Your Marketing Plans
When you are marketing your business or organization in and around the Valparaiso area, you have several different avenues through which you can broadcast your messages. You have advertising, public relations, direct mail, e-mail marketing, and a multitude of other marketing techniques, and each can serve their place within your overall plan depending on your business and what your goals are. adds a new dimension to those options where you can maximize your marketing dollar through low production costs and efforts on the part of you and your business, high targeting value in the Valparaiso community, consistent promotion on a daily or weekly basis in front of a fast growing and active online community, and an association with a media entity telling only the positive stories about Valpo’s best people, organizations, and businesses.
Click here to view the article.