If there’s one thing that held true throughout all of 2020, it’s that our LaPorte County community stayed strong and stayed together. We distributed meals to thousands of families and frontline workers, made our voices heard by voting, reprioritized what is important, and above all, supported those around us. It can be seen in the countless community articles that we published this year, but we could not have continued to share good with you if it wasn’t for our community.
In no particular order, here are the top 10 community articles from LaPorteCounty.Life in 2020:

Michigan City Area Schools (MCAS) and the Economic Development Corporation of Michigan City (EDCMC) collaborated to create educational partnerships that prepare students for careers through hands-on training and mentorship.

Since 1967, Paladin has advocated for children, persons with disabilities, seniors, and their families, providing support and opportunities to learn, grow, and enjoy a meaningful life. Paladin empowers those it serves to embrace their unique strengths and inherent value, conducting business with integrity and excellence. The organization’s impact is apparent in the many programs they provide, including their senior program.

Pulling a 50,000 pound fire truck by hand isn’t easy. In fact, it takes a team of a dozen people or more to accomplish. There were volunteers aplenty at the La Porte County Family YMCA, each of them eager to grab hold of the rope and compete to see which team could pull the truck 25 feet in the shortest amount of time. Competing teams included the La Porte Fire Department, Noble Township Volunteer Fire Department and the La Porte Family YMCA’s own team, with each taking a tug on the rope.

Rock the Block La Porte puts community first with drive-thru event
In the spirit of typical La Porte community pride, fashioned in a well-organized and upbeat event, community members gathered for the fifth annual Rock the Block event to ensure that no matter how children in La Porte return to school this year, they have the supplies they need for a healthy start to the academic year.

The COVID-19 pandemic shook up the world in ways we never expected. But even in these trying times, humanity’s willpower and desire to cooperate showcases its ability to survive and pay it forward.

Community Champions: Unity Foundation of La Porte County unites during COVID-19
While COVID-19 did not impact much of the U.S. until mid-March, other parts of the world felt the individual and social consequences of the new virus in the months prior. Maggi Spartz, President of the Unity Foundation of La Porte County, knew it was headed for the U.S. and began preparing before its arrival.

Purdue Federal Credit Union volunteers for La Porte cleanup
From beer cans to pop bottles and pieces of cardboard, shopping bags, fast food containers, and more, it’s estimated that over 51 billion pieces of litter land on American roads each year. Litter is not just unsightly, it also lowers property values, impacts community economies and local housing markets, and lowers the overall quality of life. The cost of keeping our roads clean is placed at roughly $11.5 billion each year.

Ed Gilliland expresses compassion, reflects on Paul Loggan’s impact
Paul Loggan, longtime Athletic Director at North Central High School in Indianapolis, passed away on Easter Sunday due to complications of COVID-19. The news shattered the entire state of Indiana.

Patrick’s Grille March Tuesday Giveback events are all about the kids
This month it’s all about the kids for the Patrick’s Grille Tuesday Giveback events, with proceeds going to two organizations that hold children and families at the core of their mission to make communities stronger.

American Licorice Company promotes community, sustainability with diverse programs
Since their founding over a decade ago, the American Licorice Company has been recognized in communities across the country thanks not only to their candy, Sour Punch and Red Vines, but their constant dedication to giving back.