United Way of La Porte County Looking for Volunteers for 5th Annual Kindergarten Countdown Camps

United-Way-LPC-Kindergarten-Volunteer-CollageThis summer marks the fifth year that United Way is hosting Kindergarten Countdown Camps in LaPorte County.

The Kindergarten Countdown program was developed to help children with little or no preschool experience to become better prepared for Kindergarten - both socially and academically.

Both parents and teachers consistently respond that children who attend the Kindergarten Countdown Camps are more self-confident and better adjusted to a classroom structure. In addition, student reading scores increase every time. In 2014, students' reading scores increased by 16%.

This year, we've been able add another Kindergarten Countdown Camp. The most prevalent feedback we receive each summer is, "Please add more classes!" and we always have a waiting list.

This year's Kindergarten Countdown Camps could use your help to become even more successful:

Volunteer to assist during field trips and other activities. Donate new or gently used books, to help students learn to love reading at an early age. Donate funds directly to the Kindergarten Countdown program. (Select "Kindergarten Readiness" on the donation form.)

Will you help today's youth become tomorrow's leaders?